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The smart contract blocks iDNA deposited by multiple users until a decision is made by oracles. It works similarly to OracleLock: if the voting result matches the expected value, coins are transferred to address A (if specified), otherwise to address B (if specified). However, a refund is provided to all users if the destination address A or B is not specified or oracle voting fails to reach a consensus. The amount of the refund is equal to the initial deposit or proportional to the initial deposit if the RefundableOracleLock address has been funded additionally.

Use case 1#

The contractor promises to complete the work by a certain deadline. The community is ready to fund the work. An oracle voting is created so that oracles at some point in the future confirm whether the work is done. Community members fund the work by depositing money from various wallets to RefundableOracleLock. If the result of the oracle voting confirms that the work is done, the money is transferred to the contractor. Otherwise, all contributors get a refund.


Use case 2 (prediction market)#

An oracle voting is created so that oracles at some point in the future confirm the occurrence or non-occurrence of the event. Bets on the occurrence or non-occurrence of the event are locked on two linked RefundableOracleLock contracts. According to the results of the oracle voting, one of the two contracts will be the RefundableOracleLock-winner and the other will be the RefundableOracleLock-loser. All money locked on the RefundableOracleLock-loser contract is sent to the address of the RefundableOracleLock-winner contract. After that, the money from the RefundableOracleLock-winner is returned to the winning users in the form of a refund in proportion to the bets made.


In order to deploy several smart contracts having recursive references to each other see how to calculate the address of the smart contract beforehand.

Smart contract data#

The following smart contract data can be read using the contract_readData method:

  • oracleVoting (hex): oracle voting smart contract address.
  • value (byte): expected voting result at the oracleVoting smart contract address
  • successAddr (hex): the destination address for sending the all the locked coins if value matches the voting result.
  • failAddr (hex): the destination address for sending the all locked coins if Value does not match the voting result.
  • refundDelay (uint64): the number of blocks delay since the push method was called. Determines when the refund method can be called.
  • depositDeadline (hex): timestamp in seconds. Determines the time until when the deposit method can be called.
  • factEvidenceFee (byte): determines percentage 0..100 of deposited coins that will be sent to the referred OracleVoting smart contract when the deposit method is called.
  • state (byte): the state of the smart contract (only the push method can change the state):
    • 1 - locked: the initial state of the smart contract.
    • 2 - unlocked_success: the result on the OracleVoting smart contract matches the expected Value and the Success address is specified.
    • 3 - unlocked_fail: the result on the OracleVoting smart contract does not match the expected Value and the Fail address is specified.
    • 4 - unlocked_refund all other cases.
  • sum (dna): total sum of deposited coins

The following smart contract array data can be read using the contract_iterateMap and contract_readMap methods:

  • deposits: amount of coins deposited by each user


contract_deploy and contract_estimateDeploy methods#

See static parameters for the methods here.

Dynamic args parameter:

  1. OracleVoting (hex): the referred OracleVoting smart contract address.
  2. Value (byte): expected voting result value on the referred OracleVoting smart contract (0, 1, 2...)
  3. Success address (hex): the destination address for sending the all the locked coins if Value matches the voting result. The parameter is not mandatory.
  4. Fail address (hex): the destination address for sending the all locked coins if Value does not match the voting result. The parameter is not mandatory.
  5. Refund delay (uint64): the number of blocks delay since the push method was called. Determines when the refund method can be called.
  6. Deposit deadline (uint64): timestamp in seconds. Determines the time until when the deposit method can be called.
  7. Oracle voting fee (byte): Determines percentage 0..100 of deposited coins that will be sent to the referred OracleVoting smart contract when the deposit method is called.


"method": "contract_deploy",
"params": [
"from": "<Address>",
"codeHash": "0x03",
"amount": 1240,
"maxFee": 123,
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<OracleVoting smart contract address>"
"index": 1,
"format": "byte",
"value": "0"
"index": 2,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<Address>"
"index": 3,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<Address>"
"index": 4,
"format": "uint64",
"value": "4320"
"index": 5,
"format": "uint64",
"value": "1611063000"
"index": 6,
"format": "byte",
"value": "1"
"id": 1,
"key": "<api key>"

deposit method#

In order to be able to get a refund, users must deposit their coins to the smart contract address by calling the deposit method. Otherwise coins cannot be refunded.

See static parameters for the call method here.

The amount transferred in the transaction calling deposit method will be recorded in the smart contract for the corresponding sender's address. The sender can call the deposit method multiple times. The total sum of the deposited amount will be recorded for the sender's address.

A percentage of the deposited coins are automatically sent to the referred OracleVoting smart contract address according to the Oracle voting fee parameter specified for the RefundableOracleLock smart contract.


"method": "contract_call",
"params": [
"from": "<Address>",
"contract": "<Address>",
"method": "deposit",
"amount": 1900,
"maxFee": 1,
"broadcastBlock": 0
"id": 1,
"key": "<API key>"

push method#

When the voting result becomes known in the referred OracleVoting smart contract, then the push method can be be called. Otherwise an error will be returned. The push method can be called by anyone.

The push returns error if the the the smart contract state is not locked. Otherwise the state changes to:

  • unlocked_success if the result on the OracleVoting smart contract matches the expected Value and the Success address is specified. Coins are sent to the Success address automatically.
  • unlocked_fail if the result on the OracleVoting smart contract does not match the expected Value and the Fail address is specified. Coins are sent to the Fail address automatically.
  • unlocked_refund all the other cases. The method refund can be called afterwards.

See static parameters for the call method here.

"method": "contract_call",
"params": [
"from": "<Address>",
"contract": "<Address>",
"method": "push",
"maxFee": 1
"id": 1,
"key": "<API key>"

refund method#

The refund method can be called only when the state of the smart contract is unlocked_refund and Refund delay is expired. Otherwise an error will be returned. The refund method can be called by anyone.

All coins deposited at the RefundableOracleLock smart contract are distributed to all addresses who called deposit method proportionally to total amount deposited by each address.

See static parameters for the call method here.

"method": "contract_call",
"params": [
"from": "<Address>",
"contract": "<Address>",
"method": "refund",
"maxFee": 1
"id": 1,
"key": "<API key>"

terminate method#

See static parameters for the terminate method here.

Dynamic args parameter:

  1. Destination address (hex): determines the address to which 50% of the staked coins will be transferred.


"method": "contract_terminate",
"params": [
"from": "<Sender address>",
"contract": "<Smart contract address>",
"maxFee": 1,
"args": [
"index": 0,
"format": "hex",
"value": "<Destination address>"
"id": 1,
"key": "<api key>"